Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
What's New 新: 奇聊煮送 (一)
“一日之计在于食,食得是福就边个会嫌弃!!” XD
番茄 - 适量 (随喜好)
蒜蓉 - 适量 (随喜好)
蛋 - 两之三颗 (随喜好)
冷饭 - 适量
盐 - 少许
酱油 - 少许
油 - 少许
先热锅,倒少许的油,之后爆香所剩的蒜蓉。然后,把先前搅拌好的蛋和饭倒入锅里快炒,炒的过程中加些盐调味。炒得差不多后,就把番茄丁倒入再快炒。之后,香喷喷的《番茄蒜蓉蛋炒饭》就完成啦…… ^^
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 9:44 PM 2 comments
Labels: What's New 新
Movie 影: 电影马拉松(3)
除了在马路上跑的马拉松,看电影也可以是马拉松式的呐……呵呵 XD
不过以下的电影不是一口气在同一个时间里看完的,是累积了几个月没有写部落格时所看过的电影。电影(一):Monsters vs Aliens
电影(二):冰河世纪3 Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinasours
本来这动画的第1和2集我都没看过,不过友人都说很好笑。唯有向他拿前两集,在还没看第3集前赶看完那两级,真的很好笑!!尤其那只松鼠,可爱到……我觉得他才是这部电影三部曲的主角。呵呵 XD
电影(三):Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
电影(四):Land of the Lost
一部超无聊的笑片,又融合了其他电影的因素,不过故事大纲真的无理头了点,但还是蛮搞笑的。呵呵 XD
电影(五):G.I.Joe: Rise of the Cobra
这部动作片我觉得是目前最好的一部,比Transformer 2还要好看。也可能是新鲜感的问题,所以会有这样的想法。G.I.Joe 在小的时候常在电视上看的卡通片,后来拍成了真人版的连续剧,满令人怀念的电影。就像是在上映蜘蛛侠,变形金刚,变种特工,超人,蝙蝠侠的第一部电影时的那种感觉,都是很期待的。感觉上会拍第二部,希望不会让人掉眼镜吧……电影(六):The Proposal
很好看的一部爱情片,同时也是很搞笑的。在两个不同性格,不同年龄,不同世界的人,因为和对方有利益的冲突而慢慢建立了一段爱情故事,当中也发生了很多趣事。最可爱的,还是男主角的奶奶,好会装咯……呵呵 XD电影(七):District 9
叙说了外星人因某些原因来到了地球,又没有进行攻击或侵略的动作,令人类很好奇。人类破入了外星人的母船后,发现外星人因没有食物而病倒,来地球的目的也只是为了寻找食物。最后,人类帮助了它们,外星人们也居住在地球有几年了。之后因一些误会,而开始了猎杀。用了纪录片的拍摄手法来做开头,还以为真的整部电影会是好像纪录片一样的(朋友也这么说……),不过其实只是开头罢了,到中段就回到电影的拍法。有点蛮血腥的画面,吐……电影(八):Ugly Truth
另一部爱情片,也是带有搞笑的成分,不过和前一部的题材不同。但结局都是差不多,都会是happily ever after的那种咯。电影(九):Surrogates
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Movie 戏
Voice 声:最近流行些什么??
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Voice 声
Friday, August 28, 2009
Voice 声:AAA BBB AABB 猜个字?
大家好,想不到会忙到这种程度叻……整整四个月没有来部落格了。呵呵 XD
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Voice 声
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Movie 影: Movie Marathon II 电影马拉松(2)
Movie 1: I Love You, Man
A comedy talking about a guy who is getting married but he doesn't have any close friends other than his mom and his fiance. So his gay brother came up with this "man date" idea where he is going to meet with new guy friends and find a suitable best man for his wedding. Eventually,he met with a lot of different people through the gym, internets, facebook, introduced by mom and his bro, and through his work. And when he get close enough with a friend that he knew, he started to doubt his marriage with his fiance and conflicts often occurs.
Movie rating: 3 stars out of 5!!
电影(一): I Love You, Man
狂笑指数:3颗星!!Movie 2: PUSH
A movie about people being experimented and given an ability that may help in the war during the era of Nazi's. The war stopped but the experiments continued... This is not like those we saw in X-men, but most likely similar to Heroes series. Somehow, it's not a good movie at all. But if you are into Chris Evans, you can go for this movies.
Movie rating: 2 stars out of 5.....
电影(二): 移动城市
一切起源於1945,納粹們進行超能強化計劃。試圖把超能力注入數以千計的士兵體內。戰爭結束了,但這個實驗卻從未中止。全世界的政府都建立了「隔離區」(DIVISION)的機構,繼續進行納粹的實驗,把人們制成武器。这电影并非像“变种人”一样,反而和“英雄”电视剧有点出入。不是一部值得看的电影,不过你喜欢Chris Evans的话可以去支持一下。
被推指数: 2颗星……
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Labels: Movie 戏
Happenings 事: Lee Hom Music Man Concert 2009 王力宏“音乐人“演唱会
It's a saturday evening when i got my friend's call, I was actually rushing my assignment for next week's presentation. I got this call, telling me that "hey, wanna go for lee hom's concert?" I dunno how to give an answer, and asked alot of stupid questions. At first I really wish to go, because it's Lee Hom's concert that I've never been to. Second, I was told that it's an expensive tickets and it's free. But then I still have a lot of work to do, so I really dunno how to make decision. I told my friend that you go ask around first, if couldn't find anyone to go then only I go. Later the other friend called me and asked me to go, and he has told this friend who called me earlier that I am going. I was like alright, I go, I go. So drove there, because all also didn't feel like taking LRT. The whole show was amazing, the graphics were nice, the musics rock, the stage was good, and of cause Lee Hom is handsome too. Haha.... Wasn't able to take any photos during the concert, plus we were sittig at the front row, those guards were watching everyone tightly. But then got a few photos from someone I knew in Facebook.
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Happenings 事
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Movie 影: Movie Marathon 电影马拉松
There are a lot of nice movies in the month of May, and so I came up with this idea of posting a "Movie Marathon" in my blog, and tells everyone all the nice movies that I had watched.
在这个五月里有很多很精彩的电影,也趁这个时候以《电影马拉松》介绍大家一些我看过的电影。Movie 1: X-men Origins: Wolverine
The story tells how everything of this mutated-humans begins their fight with humans and among other mutants. It also tells the history of Wolverine that how he got this name, and what was his origin mutant power before he got this "metal-claws" that we all known about him.
Movie rating: 3.5 stars out of 5!!
电影(一): 变种人前传:金刚狼
被爪指数:3.5颗星!!Movie 2: Star Trek
This is like a prologue of the Star Trek television series, where it tells the began of this war in space and how everyone in the ship get along. It's a serious fiction movie, but somehow it has some funny scenes that make some break through from the silence in the cinema(that's what I felt).
Movie rating: 3 stars out of 5!!
电影(二): 星际迷航
快速飞行指数:3颗星!!Movie 3: Sell out!
This is a Malaysian movie and it is the best film of Venice International Film Festival last year, and it won the Netpac (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) award at the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. This is a musical movie with bloods and laughters. And I truely highly recommanded everyone to watch this, not because it's a Malaysian production and awards winning, but it's really really so damn good, that after you finished the movie, you really feel like standing up and clap your hands. I laughed from the beginning till the end, it's really very very very funny. Too much of funny scenes to tell in here, and I guess you should watch yourself.
Movie rating: 4.5 stars out of 5!!
电影(三): 死了都要卖!
一部大马制作的血腥爆笑得歌剧电影,是上年Venice International Film Festival的最佳电影,也在金马奖得过Netpac (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema)奖项。非常值得看得一部大马电影,看完后会有一股冲动想要站起来拍手鼓掌。从开时笑到结束,实在太精彩了。一定要支持以下!!
血腥爆笑指数:4.5颗星!!Movie 4: Angels and Demons
Angels and Demons is a book published before The Da Vinci Code. I read about the book, and after I watched the movie, I felt that the book is way more interesting than the movie itself. And there are a lot of changes in the movie comparing with the book. So, for those who had read the book, do not put too much of expectations in the movie. But for those who haven't read the book, do read it after you watch the movie.
电影(四): 天使与恶魔
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Labels: Movie 戏
Happenings 事: Long time no see 好久不见
Konichiwa!! Ogenki desu kah? So long I haven't been updating my blog, due that a lot of work to rush after i got back to uni after that long rest since last time I was admitted to hospital. Now finally I am having my semester break, so will have more time to update my blog. Sorry to make you guys to read the same old post all the time. I guess most likely I will have a movie marathon post with in this sem break XD
好久不见咯!!大家都还好吗?真的不好意思,这么久都没有更新我的部落格了。因为之前住院后在家休养了一段时间,所以都比较忙于我的课业。现在终于放假了,所以会多更新的,也会有个《电影 Marathon》的专题。大家期待咯 XD
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Happenings 事
Sunday, April 12, 2009
What's New 新: Funeral 葬礼
A tv commercial telling about how a woman sees her relationship with her husband who has passed away. A very touching story with a funny start off, a story that talks about family love. Appreciate people around you, appreciate your family and loved ones. Think family first...
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 9:37 PM 4 comments
Labels: What's New 新
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Happenings 事: Earth Hour @ KL 地球时刻@吉隆坡
This was the first Earth Hour being held in Malaysia, and there were few events occured in the town. One of it was at KL Tower view the whole city of Kuala Lumpur.
p/s: 特别鸣谢 - 铁拿与小富
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 11:19 PM 4 comments
Labels: Happenings 事
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happenings 事: Princess is ill 小公主病了
It was during class when I got mom's call, she told me that something happened to Ms Money. I was told that her eye was swallen, and I wonder what happened to my baby. I was so wished to go home once I heard that from mom. By the tie class over, I called mom to come fetch me home right away and sned Ms Money to the vet. Her swollen eye was quite severe, and the vet told me that if the eye didn't recover, then she needed operation to cut away the swollen part, or might need to cut off the whole eye. I was so sad after listening to that. They gave her medicines and eyedrops, and after taking 2 times, she's all better now. Luckily she doesn't need to be from princess to pirate... keke XD
昨天我还在上课的时候,突然妈妈拨电给我,说小公主Money眼睛肿了起来,让我担心死了,那时真的很想溜回家。幸好挂电不久后就放学了,我赶忙叫妈妈来接我,然后送小公主去看兽医。医生说它眼睛肿得很严重,可能需要动手术。不过先给它滴眼药水和吃药,要是不恢复的话就要把肿起的部分切掉,甚至有可能要把整只眼睛给切掉,我听了后真的很难过。幸好放了两次眼药水后,Money的眼睛有改善了,不必担心她会从小公主变成“独眼侠女”。 呵呵 XD
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 7:37 AM 5 comments
Labels: Happenings 事
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What's New 新: New Blog 新部落格
A new blog has been released. The whole idea of the blog is inspired by photography and each post will only be describe by photos. Support support!!
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: What's New 新
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happenings 事: Surprised Birhtday 生日大惊喜
Date : 12 March 2009
Venue: Keiron's House
A very thanks to Steven, Adrian, Ivy, CY, and Jesyca for coming over to see me at my place and giving me this surprisingly surprise. And thanks to KS too, even thought you are not there still need to thank you. This may be the worst birthday for me, but I'm so glad to have you guys here. I really appreciate that. No cake for this birthday, but I'll treat myself the best cake next year!! Wakakakaka XD
Love you guys so much!!
日期: 3月12日2009年
地点: Keiron家
非常感谢Steven, Adrian, Ivy, CY, 还有Jesyca。谢谢你们来探望刚出院在家休养的我,还给了我个惊喜,我真的很感动。还有KS,即使你没到,但还是要谢谢你。这次生日虽然没有蛋糕吃,可是我告诉自己,明年要给自己吃个最好吃的蛋糕来补偿!!呵呵 XD
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 8:12 PM 4 comments
Labels: Happenings 事
Friday, March 13, 2009
Happenings 事: First hopitalize Experience 我住院了……
It was Monday 9th March 2009, a public holiday. Woke up by the pain at my stomach, thought that it's just a simple stomach ache, so just rush to the toilet. But after passing motions, the pain was still there. I laid on my bed, cuddling myself. Still painful. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, took medicine, then get back to my room and cuddle myself in the bed again. Still very painful. I couldn't stand anymore. Asked my dad sent me to the clinic, doctor kind of surprised me. He suspected that I have appendicitis, he wrote me a letter and asked me to go to the nearest hospital. When i admitted, the hospital doctor did ultrasound scan and blood test to confirmed my condition, then only go for surgery. I still remembered that the doctor asked about my name before the operation started. Then he put the oxygen gas mask on my mouth, I felt something moving in my left arm, then I dozed off. The next thing when I woke up, I was already in the ward. I felt stinging pain at my right stomach, couldn't even move myself. Still dizzy. My dad asked me to see my appendix, I just didn't care and went back to sleep. Couldn't walk properly, couldn't cough, sneeze, and the worst was that no laughing at all. It really hurt I tell you. Few of my friends knew about it and came to see me, really appreciated for that. Luckily just need to stay there for 2 days, now back to home sweet home and MC for a week.
This was my ever first experience being hospitalized, it's really something not good. The bed was lousy and food were lousy. Well, I guess no more next time. *touch wood*
三月九日,星期一,公共假期。我被肚子疼给弄醒了,还以为只是普通肚子疼,但上了厕所后还很痛。结果到楼下厨房拿保济丸吃,可是还是很痛。坐着也同,癞在床上也痛,唯有叫爸爸带我去看医生。到了诊所,医生检查后怀疑我得了急性盲肠炎,写了封信便叫我爸送我到附近的医院去。我顿时傻眼了…… 到了医院,医生替我照超声波和验血,证明了是急性盲肠炎,然后送我到手术室去。还记得在手术室里医生问了我的名字,替我套上了氧气面具后,我感觉到我的左手的血脉里有东西蠕动着,然后就不省人事了。醒来后,自己已经被送到病房去,肚子的右下方还有点疼疼的。爸还叫我看那被割下的盲肠,因我还昏昏的也没理会他就睡着了。也因肚子做了手术,咳嗽和打喷嚏的话伤口会疼,就连笑也不能。有几位朋友知道我住院了便来看看我,非常的感谢他们。幸好才住院两天,现在已经回家休养一个礼拜。
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 7:29 PM 5 comments
Labels: Happenings 事
Movie 影: The Reader 生死朗读
It tells the story of Michael Berg, a German lawyer who as a teenager in the late 1950s had an affair with an older woman, Hanna Schmitz, who then disappeared only to resurface years later as one of the defendants in a war crimes trial stemming from her actions as a concentration camp guard late in the war. Michael realizes that Hanna is keeping a personal secret she believes is worse than her Nazi past, a secret that -- paradoxically enough -- could help her at the trial.
故事讲述一名于1950年代的德国年轻记者米高·贝治(Michael Berg)和一名中年女子汉娜·舒密士(Hanna Schmitz)展开一段忘年恋,女子本来失踪,但于多年后重新露面,成为一名于战争中犯罪的被告人,起源于她在战争后期中担任一个集中营护卫员时的行动。米高知道汉娜一直有一个她深信比她以往纳粹时代更糟的秘密,这个秘密足以推翻对她的指控。但米高一时的犹豫铸就了两人终身的遗憾。
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 4:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Movie 戏
Movie 影: Marley and Me 马利与我
A true story about a a journalist and his wife who had planned what they should do step by step in order to create a bright future. They were just married, and it's not the time for them to have children yet. So that journalist gave his wife a birthday surprise, which is adopting a puppy, they named him Marley. Marley was an evil, he brought disasters to the family and a lot of hilarious things happened in the house. Slowly the couple were getting children and conflicts between husband and wife and the devil Marley still causing a lot of troubles. But slowly when the children grew older, Marley grew older as well. And one fine night, Marley was so sick and was sent to the vets. He has a twisted stomach and he was too old for any surgical medication. So he was given a doze to die in peace. This is a comedy, but nowadays comedies often comes with a sad endings. It's a very touching story though.
Hilariously touching rate: 5 stars out of 5!!!
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Movie 戏
Movie 影: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 返老还童
This was about a baby born to have a kind of illness, that made him old like an 80 years old man. But slowly when he grew older, his appearance become younger and younger, while his age is going older and older. And in the end, he died in a baby form. Does this really happen in our lifetime? Such a curious case......
Curiosity rate: 3.5 stars out of 5!!!
述说了一个天生患了怪病的婴孩,他的成长过程完全颠覆。出生时是个老到像八十岁的老头,慢慢的年纪越大,样子却越变越年轻。最后死去时却是回到了婴儿的状态。在现实当中会有这样的人,这样的怪病吗? 真是婆娑迷离……
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Movie 戏
What's New 新: Man vs Woman 男女大比拼
Q1: What comes to your mind if you were invited for a drink?
当你被邀请去喝东西,你会想到什么?That's how a man and a woman think....
Q2: What comes into your mind if you drank too much?
如果你喝太多,你会想到怎样?That's how a man and a woman think....
Q3: What comes into your mind when you think of drunken sex?
你对酒后乱性有什么看法?That's how a man and a woman think....
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: What's New 新
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Voice 声:Birthday wish list 生日愿望
For my coming birthday, i wish for the list below:
1) A birthday cake
2) Nokia 5800 MusicExpress
3) Nikon D90 slr camera
4) A desktop
5) A new room as my so called "SOHO"
6) Everyone healthy and happy
7) Success in studies
8) (Something which is not meant be be said here) XD
Cross fingers for dreams come true!!!
cheers ^^
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 8:18 AM 4 comments
Labels: Voice 声
Sunday, March 1, 2009
What's New 新: Earth Hour 2009 地球时刻
Earth Hour 2009 is on 28th March 2009, at 830pm to 930pm, that everyone needs to switch off all the lights in your house.
Will you be participating?
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: What's New 新
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Happenings 事: Big ang pow before CNY 新年前的大红包
This happened on the 23 January, the 2nd last day before lunar new year. What happened was that my bro planned to take my doggie to boarding early in the morning becoz i could help him. But then mom suggested to sent my doggie to the pet shop later in the evening, and so we canceled our initial plan. So it was like around 10.30am in the morning, and in my mind was that I afraid that there would be a traffic jam, so I decided to go town earlier, just in case, so I wouldn't be late. I was driving, and cars started to congest at the main road outside Taman Midah heading to KL, and they are moving really slow. So I decided to take the small route where I need to go into Taman Midah and travel a road which has no traffics. And when I came to this junction, I did saw a car, a VIOS, coming from the junction on my left. So when I passed the junction, BANG!! Then "BANG!!", again. This VIOS hit my side back, and I banged my car on the side of the shop. I was so damn frustrated, I get out of my car and yelled at that Chinese auntie. I said that there was line on the junction which she came from, and she was supposed to stop there. Eventually, she did not. And I said again that I'm very lucky to have driven a car, because if I was riding a bike and hit by her I'm a dead meat already before this Chinese traditional and cultural new year. She just said: sorry sorry, I didn't see you. Mother F@#$%^&*! So I called dad, and waited from him to come over. She went to the repair shop in front of the place I stopped my car and mumbled something with the workers. Then when my dad and bro arrived, she went to them and blamed that I hit her, and she got witness. So my bro went to the shop that she went and ask them again. And you know what they said? They said that they just heard "Bang!!" but saw nothing. Thumbs up to that auntie. Then she said that she wanted to settle that issue with us without reporting, and she said that we need to go to the nearby workshop to ask how much if they were to fix my car. They quoted the price, and she was not happy with it. She said that she can only pay up to RM500. WHAT?! Fixing my car needed RM1300 and she was only willing to pay RM500?! Mother F@#$%^&*! So dad asked for more, RM800. She said no. So we decided to go report in the end. Cause that we need to wait for my uncle's friend who works in this towing cars thingy, we made our report later at night. So after reporting everything, the corporal asked me to go and see his sergeant and I went. The sergeant asked me to draw out the plan and tell him how did the accident happened. So I did. After that, he told me that that auntie claimed that I am the one who hit her car. WHAT!? Luckily I took a few pictures during the incident and I showed to the sergeant. Things done and he said he will give her "saman". God "bless" her...... Better if they could suspend her license so that she couldn't drive forever and ever.
Her car from the junction she came. See the white line? She was supposed to stop there!!
This hit my car!!
This is where my car was being hit......
I hit this wall......
And there she goes...... T.T
p/s: So I guess around 2 to 3 weeks I will not have a car to drive and I guess I'm gonna be stuck at home in that period of time. Sigh~~~~
Text & Photography Keiron Low at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: Happenings 事