Movie 影: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 返老还童
This was about a baby born to have a kind of illness, that made him old like an 80 years old man. But slowly when he grew older, his appearance become younger and younger, while his age is going older and older. And in the end, he died in a baby form. Does this really happen in our lifetime? Such a curious case......
Curiosity rate: 3.5 stars out of 5!!!
述说了一个天生患了怪病的婴孩,他的成长过程完全颠覆。出生时是个老到像八十岁的老头,慢慢的年纪越大,样子却越变越年轻。最后死去时却是回到了婴儿的状态。在现实当中会有这样的人,这样的怪病吗? 真是婆娑迷离……
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