Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Voice 声:Our Anniversaries 我们的纪念日

Lately I heard of this chinese song from Fan Wei Qi 《我们的纪念日》which I felt that it's quite nice, so i asked from my friend. After listening repeatedly, and thought of what the DJ said about anniversaries and special festive celebration, somehow I felt the sudden loneliness again. Yea, all the while I've been going through lots of lonely moments during birthdays, valentines, christmas, new years, bla bla bla..... I remembered that I did something really stupid, that I have this sudden thought and crave of seeing fireworks. It was after I off duty at my part-time work, then I dunno where to go, so just drove around to get a nice spot to see fireworks. It's already like few minutes more to 1st January of the other year. And guess what, I was stucked in the middle of a highway and there I counted down with the radio and 2 fireworks. Sounds so ridiculous, and silly...... And you know what, I bought myself a cake and lighted up a candle and I sang birthday song to myself and blew off the candle. My only lonely 20th birthday, how "sweet"..... Some crazy flash back of what I did before year 2008. Another 28 more days to go, hope that I won't need to spend all these special days alone again. *finger crossed*

前几天,当我正在驾车上班途中,电台播了范纬琪的《我们的纪念日》。我觉得很好听,便向朋友要了这首歌。我重复又重复的听,也想起了那天DJ所说的话。想起她说起一个人过节日,令我想起我也是一个人过节日。情人节啊,生日啊,圣诞节啊,等等。。。记得有几次做了一些事,现在想起都会觉得很笨。有一次,突然有着想看烟花的冲动,便在做完兼职下班后,自己开车四处找地方看烟花。那时也差不多快到明年一月一日的凌晨,但我却被困在车隆中,唯有在车上,和收音机倒数。幸好还可以看到两朵烟花,也算不错啦。。。还有一次,就是买了块蛋糕,点了蜡烛,自己唱生日歌给自己的二十岁生日。听起来很惨吧~~~ 我想是吧。。。。。。

Cheers ^^


tagnan December 8, 2008 at 11:26 AM  


Keiron Low December 12, 2008 at 9:48 AM  


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