Happenings 事: Air Justin Genting Concert 2008
This is the second time that I attended Justin's concert. That was so fun, I just love to hear him sing Live. He's damn good man.... And he's cute, keke ^^ This time he had his concert in genting, which I found that it's quite far and not that convenient. If he wasn't my favourite star, I think I won't waste the money and energy to go all the way to genting for his concert. Plus the seats we got were so to the side, even though there were screens but still cant see clearly cbecause the projection screen on the left blocked the one at the middle and on the right one. Bad strategy... But the stage decor was nice, I love it. And of cause, the whole concert was just so great, marvelous. Good to see you again Justin, and hope that next time when you come make sure that you won't be choosing genting. Keke XD
侧田又来大马开办演唱会咯。。。这次是我第二次看他的演唱会,超棒的。真的好爱侧田哦~~~ 他的唱功算不错了,唱现场更迷死人,人又可爱,晕~~~~~ 这次来马在云顶办演唱会,感觉上好像选错地点,路途遥远。而且这次看演唱会用的钱比上次多,因为在云顶住了一晚,在那的消费也蛮昂贵的。我们的座位也太靠边了,虽然有大营幕,但位置放得不好,左边的都把中间和右边的荧幕给挡住了。要不是为了侧田,我才不会费神到云顶去看演唱会。哈哈~~~~ 侧田啊,侧田。。。下次不要在云顶办演唱会咯。。。XD
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