Movie 影: Mama Mia! 妈妈咪哑!
Heard that it's also a stage performance, and it's made into a movie. This is another amazing musical movie that I have ever watched after DreamGirls. And Meryl Streep did a very good job here in her casting. Loved her so much..... I can't believed as well that she can sing so well. I wonder were all the songs recorded live during their shooting or it was played and inserted into the movie. But they seemed to be recorded live. Fantastic!! The movie was great, and most of the scene were damn hilarious. I laughed until stomachache, and my friend even said that I laughed like Tanya. Oh god.... Did I sounds like her? Hmph.... But unfortunately, the auntie sitting next to me was not laughing at all. Was she too moody that day? Or she thought that it wasn't funny? Or she couldn't get what was funny about? Lolz... Anyway this is really a good movie, that I don't know how to describe anymore but you just need to see them with your eyes.
Movie rating: 6 stars out of 5!! (p/s: mama mia! here I go again...... my my! how can I resist you...)
朋友告诉我这部戏也有舞台剧版本,他很想去看,但是不知道他们会在哪里演出。不过,看电影也不错嘛。这是自重《DreamGirls》后,让我大饱眼福的另一部歌剧,好好看哦!!而且Meryl Streep演的很棒,她的演技超赞的叻。尤其她solo那幕,七情六欲都上脸,也把《The Winner Takes It All》唱得超棒的,非常精彩。但是,我还是喜欢听她演唱《Mama Mia》那首歌。我都在想:他们是边拍边录现场,还是录了在播放的?不过看起来是边拍边录现场的。故事流动很好,不会很乱,而且很多高笑得片断,笑得我趴地。哈哈。。。可是,坐在我旁边的安娣整场都没笑,是因为她不会笑,不好笑,还是不明白那些笑点?奇怪。。。总而言之,这是一部很值得看的电影,一定要看!!
i still find it kinda weird that Pierce Brosnan aka Mr. Former-James Bond is doing a musical film! haha
haha..... yea it's kinda weird.... but still they presented it quite good.... round aplause....
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