Saturday, September 27, 2008

What's New 新: New Bi-lingual Lauch 双语出击

Key-words is now upgraded to bi-lingual blog. From today onwards, all posts will be presentaed in two languages: Chinese and English. This is to fulfill the crave of people who was possed with Chinese characters and the editor himself sees that it is quite a popularity blogging in chinese. Do support and leave comments. And to apologize in advanced, there might have a lot of typo error occured due that the editor has abandoned his chinese for quite a long while. But hope that everyone can give supports and voice out any mistakes you see.

Thank you and Enjoy!!

Key-words 现已升华至双语版部落格。从今天起,所有贴出将会以两种语言呈现:华语及英语。这是因为作者看见华文部落格以成为大众的爱好,也是为了满足喜好华文的读者。但先要向各位道歉,由于作者也有一段蛮长的时间没用华文来写作,可能会出现很多错别的地方。不过,希望大家会见解,也希望大家会多多支持,有看到错误敬请留言提点。



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