Movie 影: Movie Marathon II 电影马拉松(2)
Movie 1: I Love You, Man
A comedy talking about a guy who is getting married but he doesn't have any close friends other than his mom and his fiance. So his gay brother came up with this "man date" idea where he is going to meet with new guy friends and find a suitable best man for his wedding. Eventually,he met with a lot of different people through the gym, internets, facebook, introduced by mom and his bro, and through his work. And when he get close enough with a friend that he knew, he started to doubt his marriage with his fiance and conflicts often occurs.
Movie rating: 3 stars out of 5!!
电影(一): I Love You, Man
狂笑指数:3颗星!!Movie 2: PUSH
A movie about people being experimented and given an ability that may help in the war during the era of Nazi's. The war stopped but the experiments continued... This is not like those we saw in X-men, but most likely similar to Heroes series. Somehow, it's not a good movie at all. But if you are into Chris Evans, you can go for this movies.
Movie rating: 2 stars out of 5.....
电影(二): 移动城市
一切起源於1945,納粹們進行超能強化計劃。試圖把超能力注入數以千計的士兵體內。戰爭結束了,但這個實驗卻從未中止。全世界的政府都建立了「隔離區」(DIVISION)的機構,繼續進行納粹的實驗,把人們制成武器。这电影并非像“变种人”一样,反而和“英雄”电视剧有点出入。不是一部值得看的电影,不过你喜欢Chris Evans的话可以去支持一下。
被推指数: 2颗星……