Date : 2 Oct 2008
Venue : Taman Ulik, Cheras
This is the second time I went for hiking, well I should rather say, it's jungle trekking this time. My friend texted me in the afternoon after he finished his work, and asked me whether would I like to join him with his friends for jungle trekking. Well of course I wanted another adventurous trip, and this time it was really adventurus.
The hill has many names, some called it Elephant Hill; some said Old Man Hill as there always have alot of old people trekking there; and some even called it Baby Hill, cause it's very easy to climb. At first my friend told me that this is a very easy hill, cause alot of old people walked in the forest. So I thought it would be really easy. But then, everything seemed to be different from what he described. Well true that there were alot of old people. The walkway was so steep, each and every steps were so high, and you really needed to lift your leg as high as possible to reach the other steps after one another. So tiring... But my friend keep on saying that after this would be flat surface. He kept repeating that for few times as I kept complaining that the previous hiking was much easier than this. Maybe I still need more training and more trekking. After half an hour we reached the 1st resting point. The view was good, well not as good as the previous one. But I can see the whole town area around my home. And the weather was kinda windy, so nice when the breeze hit me. After a while we continued our journey to the top of the hill. This time we were really into the deep forest, the route seemed became easy a bit but there were alot of "traps" like holes on the ground and roots everywhere. Quite gloomy as well. After like 20 minutes walking, we reached the top of the hill, The Guinness Top. And can you imagine that there were actually equipments for people to do workout? And mirrors and clock. Quite funny though... I overheard those uncles said that in the morning there would be a group of people doing yoga here. I was wondering, if those people walk all the way from the bottom to the top, would they still have the energy to do yoga? Maybe there were such desperate kind of people would do that. We rest for a while, but then the sky seemed gonna rain soon and so we went back. While going down the hill, my shoe torn apart again!! Wahaha..... Well all the old shoes at home were finally torn apart and can get new pair next time. Keke XD
Another tiring journey, but still can handle everything. Will bring my friends there next time!!
日期 :2 Oct 2008
地点 :友力花园,蕉赖
那山也蛮多名字的:有人叫它大象山;有的叫“老人山”,因为很多老人家到那儿散步;也有的把它取名为“婴儿山”,是因为它很容易爬。但当我踏第一步时,我已觉得这根本都不简单。沿路上都是斜坡,有得像楼梯般可上的路,但却没有可停顿休息的地方。好几次都差点滑倒呢。。。朋友说前段的路程会比较平缓,可是走了好久,路程都是一样的。走了大概半个小时后,终于到了半山的休息站,到那儿已经累坏了。在那可看到我家一区的建筑,也开始拍起照来。微风轻轻的吹来,真凉快。一会儿后,我们又继续走上山顶去。上顶的路都是在森林里,路不会很难走,可是蛮多坑和树根的,要很小心。大概20分钟后就抵达山顶了。想不到那里竟然会又健身的用具,还有镜子和时钟。我还听到别人的谈话,说那里早上会有一班人在那里做愈加。我心想:爬上山都已那么累了,还有人做愈加,好奇怪哦。。。天色开始转暗了,我们也只好下山去。途中,我遇见一个中年人,他好像经过我已有三次了。刚好我鞋底脱下停了下来,听到他和另一个迎他的面而走的中年人说:“这是我的第四圈了。。。”哗!!功力真深厚啊!!四圈叻。。。我一圈都快不行了,好自卑哦。。。看来我还需要时间磨练下自己。又破了一双鞋,辛好事旧的,不然就被妈斩掉。我也只是好心,想把家里全部旧鞋穿破,就有借口买新的啦。。。 嘿嘿 XD