Movie 312: Stardust (review)
It's been a while since i last watched a movie, well, not that long while actually.... heh.... anyway, there is a lot of good movies screening recently, and of coz there are alot more in the coming christmas. so excited!! so i watched this movie in two choiced, stardust and 30 days of night ( as i heard that 30 days of night doesn't have a good star rating, and one of my friend told me that it's not nice to watch).
what comes across your mind when someone ask you that what do stars do? whats your answer? ( before you continue reading the post, so answer this question.....)
eventually it's a romance, love story, with a lot of funny scene and some fighting as well. hah, the falling star loves to ask: what do stars do? at the very ending of the movie, she asked again, and i answered in myself: blink?! coz in that scene, she ask the man to close his eyes tight and they hugged each other, while the wicked witch is going to attack them. i really thought that she's gonna use her power to blink and get out of there, but u know what? she answered: stars shine....... then she shines untill like the light become the heat and killed the witch. hah......
Star rating: 3.5 out of 5!!!
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