Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happenings 312: a surprise to Jiah.....

I wonder why that college always have blackout, we paid so much money, and the college still got blackout. didn't they pay the electric bill?? where has the money gone.....? poor my friend Jiah, stucked inside for almost 20 minutes. A surprising irthday adventure for her la..... haha!!!

What's New 312: Colour.......

Come on everyone...... let's learn some colour in Thai..... haha!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happenings 312: small kids III~~~~

Jobs that are dealing with kids really is a fun thing to do. why? because you can experience alot of fun and funny things. haha..... why again? let me tell some other stories bout little kids today:

scenario 1#
So, this small boy was so obsessed of the ballon that my colleageu gave him, and he just wanna play with the balloon and didn't want to try on shirts. then he started to kick the balloon around the shop, and it happened to fall in front of me, so i just kicked back to that boy boy. then, he was like so happy and wanna play with me. then the father wanted to take off the shirt the boy boy is trying but then he just like not happy and keep on saying: "I wanna play with gor gor.... I want gor gor..." haha..... so i just play with him till they finish shopping. and before that, one of my colleague and his mother try to put on shoes for him to try, but he just didn;t sit still. later on, the boy boy was playing with me, and the mother ask me to feel whether the shoes izzit good for him or should he get a bigger size. i just tell the mother that he should get a bigger one coz the one he tried on is too fitting. so, i grab a bigger pair, and bring him to a chair, asked him to sit down, and change for him. and he just sit down quietly, then point to my ear and said: "Ear!!" hahaha...... so cute la......

Scenario 2#
This wasn't about the kids, but about the kids' parents. damn the father, couldn;t he just wait for a while. the mother was trying to exchange the size of a shirt that they bought for the daughter yesterday, and didn't took much time looking around also, the father yell at the mother. gosh!! in the public..... and the mother is like almost wanted to cry, but she didn't la...... haiz..... terrible husband!!!

Scenario 3#
I dunno how to describe this, funny? sad? anyway, so this maid was trying to change the pampers for the baby in our shop, then sudden;y i heard the maid screamed..... then i turned and looked, OMG!!! the baby was "we-we"-ing leh...... lolz!!! first time see this kind of thing happened...... so far...... haha..... funny? sad? i dunno...... kinda funny, to see the situation, but sad coz have to mop the "we-we".... haiz.....

Scenario 4#
Ok, it's quite mean to do so..... this little girl was trying on shoes, with her parents, and the other arabian girl was sitting next to them. the little girl's socks were taken off by the father, the she took and play. but then, she was so bad, wear the sock on her hand, then go and touch the arabian girl who was looking at her. lol......

kids....... what izzit really in their mind..... kaka!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Movie 312: Beowulf (review)

A very surprising movie, a very "surprising" one...... and i cant believe they got such star rating out there. well, my friends love it so much, as i'm totally on the opposite. total 3D animated, huh??!! i have a very high expectation when going for this movie, after knowing that it's a good star rated movie. but then when the movie started, gosh....... like a piece of stone dumped into the deep sea...... i thought that real people acted in the movie, but why not? i think it'll be better if they did so...... anyway, dont put too much expectation on it.....

Star rating: 2 out of 5......
(p/s: mag. review star rate is 4 out of 5)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happenings 312: a day to Sunway Lagoon.....

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

today, it's a big day to us, a very special and happy and having tons of fun day!!
yeah yeah!! finally we have made our plan come true.... haha.....

it's so fun to hang around with friends and all, our gang, with me, AD, Sheena, Leong, Jiah, and Kathy.... we have lots of fun in the lagoon. we went for sliding, and i'm the 1st to get to the bottom.... which means, i'm the heaviest!! good news for me thou.... kaka..... then we went to the beach, thought to have wave there, but then the place is under construction..... kinda "potong-stim" la..... aiks >.< we did alot of sliding, coz nothing much to play also..... and we went for the spinning-cup after we finish in the water park..... sheena was going to puke coz i spin the thing too fast..... kaka!! but unfortunately no one brought camera to capture the happy moment, and it's raining..... kinda sad la, but still happy!! haha..... then we have great meal in Kenny Roger's..... phew!! so we are planning for our next one-day-trip again..... hahaha..... hope that this time will be a very great one as well!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happenings 312: Dance presentation......

finally, after 1 week practise, we have our presentation, and it was a success!!! yeah!! yeah!! what a relief..... kinda fun and happy about our work.... haha.... here are some random picked photos and a video of our dance:

the Funny team..... the Team!! the Dancers!! looks like Malay only.....

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What's New 312: No pork!!!

Got this from a friend, well, dunno whether what's wrong with those guys, go and disturb people. It's a bit like racism, but it's funny la......

Movie 312: Stardust (review)

It's been a while since i last watched a movie, well, not that long while actually.... heh.... anyway, there is a lot of good movies screening recently, and of coz there are alot more in the coming christmas. so excited!! so i watched this movie in two choiced, stardust and 30 days of night ( as i heard that 30 days of night doesn't have a good star rating, and one of my friend told me that it's not nice to watch).

what comes across your mind when someone ask you that what do stars do? whats your answer? ( before you continue reading the post, so answer this question.....)

eventually it's a romance, love story, with a lot of funny scene and some fighting as well. hah, the falling star loves to ask: what do stars do? at the very ending of the movie, she asked again, and i answered in myself: blink?! coz in that scene, she ask the man to close his eyes tight and they hugged each other, while the wicked witch is going to attack them. i really thought that she's gonna use her power to blink and get out of there, but u know what? she answered: stars shine....... then she shines untill like the light become the heat and killed the witch. hah......

Star rating: 3.5 out of 5!!!

Happenings 312: in case you missed it......

i;ve got no idea about wat was happening today, not until my friend really show me this clip. then only i realize that i saw the sign board said that the road heading to Dataran Merdeka was closed, and my colleague told me that his friend told him that there was a riot in KL. huh...... wat happened? and the firend who show me this clip told me that they were planning a riot in Bukit Bintang tomorrow..... wow..... if that really happened, i think i can have a day off..... wakaka >.<

Happenings 312: small kids II~~~~

story about small kids again, haha...... well this time this little girl was kinda cute anyway....

she a bit bit chubby on the face, baby fat...... haha.... cute little girl. so since she was so cute, and she was looking at me when she first step into the shop, and so i wanted to offer her a balloon. but when i handed it to her, she don want, and looked at me with a miserable eyes. then my supervisor took the ballon and gave her, you know wat, she took it. gosh!!!

ok fine, she was so happy with the balloon. but whenever she looked at me, sure with that kind of, weird and miserable eyes. but why? then my supervisor say that i m too scary..... huh?! ok fine, don care, coz she's just a girl.....

then she left, with the parents, but she keep looking back to the shop, at me..... lolz..... hah..... she dont even wanna go when the father called, and even walked slowly, nearer and nearer back to the shop..... haha..... and she did that twice..... still, she was looking at me..... aiks......

hah, i think my supervisor has to take back wat she said, i think she cant stop looking at a tall and handsome gor gor.... lolz >.< (jus kidding =P)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Voice 312: I'm Back!! Online.......

yo hoo..... hey friends..... i'm back!!! finally i can on9 back..... it's been a long while.... haha..... so i think i missed alot..... have to catch up!!

cheers ^^

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